
a.k.a. no fac(ial recognition technology under our neoliberal regim)e

Performative environmentalism

September 02, 2020

A personal account on my own path to environmentalism, and how I learned that green virtue signals are red flags.

Origin stories

August 20, 2020

A conversation with an Indigenous community leader highlighted the wisdom and revolutionary power of storytelling. Bonus: an academic methodology (causal layered analysis) to front on the racists, C-level suits, and/or techno-chauvinists.


August 03, 2020

Patrick Crusius loved nature, criticized systems of capitalism and urban sprawl, and wrote an environmental manifesto titled, “An Inconvenient Truth.” His “solution” for climate change was racial genocide. Exactly one year ago, he massacred 23 people in the 2019 El Paso shooting.

The toxicity of white environmentalism

July 28, 2020

BIPOC environmentalists should be wary of the white environmentalists who will shamelessly virtue signal while silencing and gaslighting those who dare demand accountability.